What’s the Mafia up to these Days?
What’s the mafia up to these days? As we learned last week, the mafia at its most basic is an organized crime syndicate [...]
By Cindy M. Hogan|2021-03-16T23:50:53+00:00March 16th, 2021|adventure, choices, spies, truth, Young adult|
What’s the mafia up to these days? As we learned last week, the mafia at its most basic is an organized crime syndicate [...]
By Cindy M. Hogan|2021-02-10T04:22:46+00:00February 9th, 2021|adventure, Blog, spies, Young adult|
We all love a good spy book, but how do authors’ portrayals of spies stack up against reality? As a spy, you are [...]